Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Confession Time

I've worked at my job for a little over a year and a half now. Every day when I walk in the building, I could walk left to go to McDonald's, or walk right to go to my office. Every day for a year and a half I've been strong and made that right turn.

Except today. Today I was weak. On the short walk down the hall to McDonald's, I kept trying to kid myself, saying "I'll just get a coffee. I like McDonald's coffee. That's all I'll get." Then, more realistically, I thought, "well, I do love a sausage biscuit. Just one sausage biscuit won't be so bad." And then by the time I got to the line and saw the menu, I thought, "well, if I'm getting a coffee and a sausage biscuit, I might as well just get the full meal with the hash brown. It'll be cheaper anyway."

So I did it. Today for breakfast I had a sausage biscuit and a hash brown. Oh yeah, and the coffee. Feeling pretty bad about myself, I started to think of all the really bad, guilty pleasure foods that I like to eat when no one else is watching. I'm not talking indulging in chocolate cake or a juicy cheeseburger. Not things that taste good but just happen to be bad for you. I mean really nasty, embarrassing foods that would result in me losing my foodie license if anyone were to find out that I eat them.

Since I'm in the process of writing my post on our trip to Montreal, and seeing how some of the foods we ate and places we ate at could make us look like culinary snobs, I will disclose the aforementioned guilty pleasures list to once and for all do away with any notion that I only eat the best. In fact, after this list, I may need to hurry up and finish the Montreal post soon, so that you don't start to think that all I do is sit on my couch up to my elbows in month-old fast food containers. I don't. I totally cleaned them up last week.

So here they are, my guilty pleasures:

 ::deep breath::

Licking the cheese off of my fingers after eating half a (regular sized, not snack size) bag of Smartfood Popcorn.

Hot chocolate packet. No hot water or milk. No converting it into a beverage of any kind. I mean just the powder.

Microwavable chicken nuggets. I think they're made by Purdue or something. These aren't even frozen, just on a Styrofoam tray wrapped in saran. They're in the cooler aisle with in the refrigerated meats near the Oscar Meyer bologna and bacon. Bonus points if it's the kind with "cheese" in it. 

Turkey and cheese subs from a gas station. I am not making this up. I love them.

Sausage, egg and cheese on a hard roll. Usually from some hole-in-the-wall deli that hasn't had a customer in a week and a half.

You know that dip that people bring to picnics, usually in bread bowls, with the mayo, sour cream, vegetable soup mix, and spinach? Yeah, I eat that. No bread bowl, no chips, just me, dip and spoon.

BLT sub from Subway on Italian Herbs and Cheese bread. The foot-long. Granted this doesn't sound so bad, but for a girl of my stature to be able to down a foot-long sub with that much bacon and mayo is just wrong. Doesn't stop me from doing it.

Raw pizza dough. I've never actually sat down and ate a significant amount (yet...), but I always break  bit off while it's rising.

I think that's enough for now. I probably have others, but I wouldn't want to completely horrify you. 


  1. Still the Smartfood Popcorn eh? No surprise with the BLT Sub at all. Surprised not to see Ramen Noodles and Kraft box Macaroni n's Cheese.

  2. 1. Doritos
    2. Avocado with olive oil and salt spread on freshly baked bread
    3. pork rinds
    and many more...

  3. Oh, all really good ones! Ever have nachos with Doritos instead of tortilla chips? Unparalleled.

  4. Nooooo but now I must! wow how do you come up with these things. ;)

  5. It's a blessing and a curse :D


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