Friday, June 4, 2010

New Camera!

Good news, everyone!

Last night John surprised me with my wedding present a few weeks early, and it was ... the greatest camera in the world :D  A shiny new digital Canon Rebel EOS SLR. My mom had the film version of this camera, and I fell in love with it when she let me take it on a trip to France when I was 16. I got one for myself shortly thereafter, and we had many good years together, especially the semester of college when I took a photography course. 

However then the digital camera age emerged, and my pretty SLR was pushed to the back of the closet in favor of more portable and up-loadable digital point-and-shoot cameras. Note the plural- I'm on #3 now. #1 got busted on a trip to visit my mom in Florida when I passed it to John and let go, thinking he had it. As with all such cameras, if it falls when the lens is out, it's over. An eerily similar incident happened with #2, but replace "Florida" with "the Great Wall of China," and "John" with "some guy attending the conference I was running." Other than that, the circumstances were exactly the same - lens out, dropped on hard floor, camera kaput. At least #2 can say that it died an epic death on the Great Wall.

#3 has been good to me, and I will continue to use it for, say, trips to Florida and the Great Wall. But as you can tell from the quality of my photos so far, I am in need of some more advanced equipment for my new-found hobby of taking mouth-watering pictures of yummy, yummy food. In fact, I must admit, this is the reason I haven't posted in awhile - each time I go to post, I'm so horrified by the awfulness of the pictures that I get sad and delete the post before publishing. 

This will no longer be the case! No more blurry shots! No more boring flash! I'm so excited to start using it, but first I need to finish reading the manual (so as not to break it, or send it the way of #1 and #2), and brushing up on my camera-Fu. I swear, there was once upon a time that I actually knew what "aperture" and "f-stop" and "exposure" meant, and how to manipulate them to get some wicked photos. But it's just like riding a bicycle, right? I have faith that I'll pick it all up again quickly.

Tonight we're headed up to the family camp in Lake George, and my cousin Matt, a CIA student, will be there. Matt is a far, far better cook that I can ever hope to be. So expect to see some posts soon of the food that I will beg him to cook he may cook this weekend.

And expect to see some MUCH higher quality food pics from now on.

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